Observing Animals with Infiray Xinfrared T2 Pro
Observing Animals with Infiray Xinfrared T2 Pro
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, Infiray T2 PRO for Android, A4000040, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, Infiray T2 PRO for Android, A4000040, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, Infiray T2 PRO for Android,  A4000040, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO Hunting Images for Android, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO Thermal Monocular for Hunting, A4000040, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO-ANDROID with PROTECTIVE SHELL, A4000040, A4000041, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO-IOS with PROTECTIVE SHELL, A4000040, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, Infiray T2 PRO Packaging and Accessories, A4000040, A4000041, A4000040+A4000060, A4000041+A4000026
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO with fov 13.6° No dizziness
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, T2 PRO detecting and tracking target for hunting
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, 12 μm 256*192 Resolution, high  definition Infiray outdoor detector
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt
Indlæs billede i Gallery Viewer, InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt

InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro termisk monokular til jagt

På lager og klar til forsendelse
Normal pris $359.00 USD
Udsalgspris $359.00 USD Normal pris $429.00 USD
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  • Justerbar 2×-15× zoom til visning på lang afstand.
  • Hotspot-sporingsteknologi til mål i hurtig bevægelse.
  • Visning i to tilstande: HD- og Highlight-tilstand.
  • Kan bruges både dag og nat.
  • DIY-retikler til skræddersyede jagtoplevelser.
  • Mulighed for HD-optagelse.
  • Letvægtsdesign med justerbar smartphone-holder.
  • Infiray T2 PRO termisk monokular er en avanceret enhed designet til udendørsentusiaster, der tilbyder uovertruffen synlighed og stealth med sin eksklusive ikke-eksponeringsteknologi. Denne lette termiske monokular er perfekt til jagt, observation af dyreliv, patruljering, redningsoperationer og meget mere, og den giver overlegen funktionalitet både dag og nat.

    2×~15× zoom til ultralang afstand

    T2 PRO har en justerbar linse, der giver brugerne mulighed for at zoome ind og ud fra 2× til 15×, hvilket gør fjerne mål på op til 660 meters afstand tydeligt synlige. Det sikrer, at du aldrig går glip af en detalje, uanset hvor langt væk.


    Med hotspot-sporingsteknologi og et taktisk beslag kan T2 PRO nemt spore mål i hurtig bevægelse og automatisk låse sig fast på dem. Det er især nyttigt ved jagt på elge, vandfugle og andre byttedyr i bevægelse.

    Tryk for at skifte mellem to tilstande

    Enheden tilbyder to visningstilstande: HD-tilstand (grønt øje) til ultraklare termiske billeder og Highlight-tilstand (rødt øje) til at spotte mål i tætte skove eller buske. Skift mellem tilstandene med et enkelt tryk, så de passer til dine omgivelser.

    Brug dag og nat

    I modsætning til traditionelle nattesynsenheder er T2 PRO effektiv både om dagen og om natten. Denne alsidighed gør det til et uvurderligt værktøj til forskellige formål, fra udforskning af dyrelivet til sikkerhedsovervågning.

    DIY-retikler og mulighed for HD-optagelse

    Tilpas dine trådkorsindstillinger for at spotte og jage natlige rovdyr effektivt. Derudover giver T2 PRO dig mulighed for at optage dine aktiviteter i HD og fange hvert øjeblik, så du kan dele det med venner og familie direkte fra din smartphone.

    Let og brugervenlig

    T2 PRO er designet til at være let og brugervenlig. Den indeholder et smartphone-beslag og en beskyttende metalskal (ekstraudstyr). Den justerbare rygklips giver dig mulighed for at indstille synsvinklen efter dine præferencer, hvilket sikrer komfort under langvarig brug.

    Model T2 Pro
    System Support Android 6.0, iPhone 11 or later.
    Observation Distance ≈1300m
    App Name Xinfrared(infiRaySearch)
    Resolution 256×192
    Pixel Pitch 12μm
    Spectral Band 8-14μm ● Focal
    Length 13.0mm
    FOV 13.6°×10.2°
    Focus Mode Manual
    Frame Rate 25Hz
    NETD ≤50mk
    MRTD ≤500mK
    Working temperature -20℃~+80℃
    Temperature measurement range 0℃~+80℃
    Power consumption <350mW
    Weight (with lens) <20g
    Size 26mm×26mm×26.6mm
    Support System Android 6.0 and above system
    Image Enhancement Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE)
    Reticle Support, with hot/cold spot tracking
    Color palette highlights, white hot, black hot, red hot, and other pseudo colors.
    Secondary development Support 1X~4X continuous digital zoom
    Video storage Support phone and video storage.
    App update Support online update of the app
    Cross cursor tracking and focus
    Review Video

    infiray thermal T2 PRO and thermal hunting

    Recognize Clearly, Detect Quickly

    The InfiRay Xinfrared T2 Pro is a revolutionary thermal monocular that turns your smartphone into a powerful thermal imaging device. With ultra-far night vision and advanced image algorithms, it helps you spot targets up to 1300m(1400yd)in complete darkness.

    Infiray T2 PRO Ninja Mode

    You can see the animals. The animals can't see you

    2× to 15× digital zoom, ultra-long distance viewing

    T2 PRO 8.0× digital zoom image, super long distance viewing
    T2 PRO tracking targets Function

    Never lose your hunting target

    Highlight the target

    T2 PRO Dual-mode tap to switch, Highlights the targets

    HD recording capability

    T2 PRO Detection Distance, recognition and detection: recoginze duck at 98 yards and detect ducks at 197 yards; recoginze coyote at 197 yards and detect ducks at 394 yards; recoginze hog at 335 yards and detect ducks at 669 yards; recoginze deer at 394 yards and detect ducks at 787 yards;

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 21 reviews
    massimo de martino
    Camera is great, software to improve

    The camera is incredibile, really make you see in the dark. A problem I found is that with a cover you can’t use it because there is no contact. The software could be improved in stability and it could be interesting to have a 1x view.

    Jason Drake
    Very impressed. Until I wasn’t…

    I love everything about this except the quality of construction. The lens piece falls right off the main body. It works but unfortunately it’s not built to withstand being put in a padded case. Because that’s all I did and it’s broken

    Les Murphy
    Amazinr Quality for the price!

    After watching lots of YouTube reviews, I decided to purchase one of these. The quality is amazing for the money. Incredible night-time thermal ability, excellent packaging, great carry case...perfect for travel. I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to dip their toe into the thermal imaging arena without spending and arm & leg.

    Norman Koch
    Took a chance, so Impressed

    I have several Thermals for Predator hunting and tac operations. Got one of these for hunting shack. Works amazing. Super happy.

    No hard case.

    Thanks very much for the fast shipment of my T2Pro, this is my first experience with a thermal device and I am amazed at the quality for such a small device. The only downside is that in the order I included the hard case so as I could mount the T2Pro onto my air rifle. So far I have not received it.
    Hopefully it might yet turn up. All in all this is a great little product that can be brought out of your pocket connected to your smart phone to scan for game, keep an eye out for your pet or just to impress your friends. 10/10