Load image into Gallery viewer, Infiray T2S Plus for IOS, A4000031

InfiRay T2S Plus hőkamera 8 mm-es makroobjektívvel

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【Gyors azonosítás】A kompakt T2S Plus képalkotó 8 mm-es makró objektívvel rendelkezik a gyors azonosítás, célzás és fókuszálás érdekében. Ez a beépített lencse, amely nagyon barátságos az áramköri lapok és mikroáramkörök karbantartásához, milliméteres ellenállást lát 8 mm-es közeli tartományban, a legélesebb képek érdekében.

【Kiváló teljesítmény】A 256x192 IR felbontással/49,152 pixel és gyors 25Hz-es képkocka sebességgel a T2S Plus termográfiai képalkotó nagy felbontású képet biztosít teljes képernyős hőmérsékletméréssel (Max, Min, Center foltok), segít az elektromos hibákra, mechanikai meghibásodásokra, vízszivárgásokra stb. utaló foltok megjelenítésében.

【Nagy pontosság】Mérések akár 450°C (842°F), ±2°C vagy ±2% pontossággal, lehetővé teszi a célpont gyors ellenőrzését a túlmelegedésről, a rejtett hővel kapcsolatos problémák pontos felfedezését. Tökéletes otthoni ellenőrzésekhez, hiányzó szigeteléshez, padlófűtéshez, vízvezetékhez, létesítménykarbantartáshoz, HVAC hibaelhárításhoz, valamint elektromos, áramköri és mechanikai rendszerek professzionális ellenőrzéséhez.

【alacsony fogyasztás】Kapcsolja a T2S Plus képalkotót egy okostelefonhoz, az elektronikus eszközök táplálják ezt a hőkamerát. A mindössze 0,35 W-os fogyasztással a képalkotó 3-5 órán át működik 3000-5000mAh kapacitású telefonok esetén.

【Package】Xinfrared T2S Plus (legújabb modell) tartozékokkal ( angol nyelvű használati utasítás, C típusú kábel, T2S Plus fogantyú, védőtáska). T2S Plus garancia: 1 év garanciaidő, 1 év kiterjesztett garancia.

Kompatibilitás: Támogatja az Android és iOS 11 és magasabb okostelefonokat.

Product Model T2S Plus
Macro Lens
Pixel Pitch
44.9° x 33.4°
Image Frame Rate
Operating Temp
-20°C 〜+50°C
Temperature Measurement Range
-20°C 〜+450°C
Measurement Accuracy
±2°C or ±2% of the measuring range (the greater shall prevail)
Power Consumption
Supported OS
Android, HarmonyOS
Image Enhancement
Digital detail enhancement
Image Correction
White-hot/black-hot/multiple palettes
Secondary Development
SDK available
Measurement Statistics
Maximum/minimum/central point temperature display, and point/line/area measured temperature statistics and analysis
Video Storage
Photo and video storage
App Update
Online update( App Name: Xtherm)
Review Video

An Ideal Tool for Industrial Applications

The InfiRay T2S Plus is the world's 1st 8mm macro thermal camera for smartphones. It's been used for finding heat loss, insulation conditions, electric problems, water damage PCB, microcircuits, building HVAC detection, and so on. With the built-in 8mm focusable macro lens that can be used to zoom in on your subject.

Infiray T2S Plus 8mm Focusable macro lens

Thermal imaging is clearly visible

Ultra-detailed infrared images

T2S Plus Chip
T2S+ measure temperatures up to 450C(±2°C)

Industrial-grade accurate temperature measurement

Design battery-free

Design battery-free
T2S+ Thermal Imaging Images of Various Scenes

Powerful analysis capability

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Kyle Mcmahon
Infiray t2s plus

Great product at a great price really really great product better than my flir one pro I give 4 stars only because delievery was extremely slow and pc software doesn't not work with camera and multiple users have complained about this issue and still not resolved other than those 2 only issues its great product great job

Provas e Rascunhos, Lda. - Janete Rocha
My experience

I'm sad and disappointed, I didn't get to use the camera. I opened it from the box and when I took off the lens cover I had part of it in one hand and another part in the other hand. I didn't think it would be so fragile. Is it possible to send a tape?

Peter Bahry
More than pleased!

Excellent service. I recommend this camera.
I bought it for general interest and to help identify wet areas on drywall… still waiting for heavy rain to check that.
I used it on my Macbook pro logic board to identify overheating chip and overheating area. The focusing is very sharp.
Easy to use.

Damian Kubiak
Awesome piece of hardware

This camera in amazing. Small and powerful in one go. I was able to trace where DHW pipes are in the wall as well as where central heating pipes go under the floor. At the same time was able to spot cold places around doors, windows, stairs, bad insulation outside of building and so on. Electrical box with fuses is also not a problem for this it. You just need to adjust lens and you can see if there is problem there.
Refresh rate is great, like a advertised. Movies allow you to see world totally from different perspective. Kids were also interested why cold water is black. Lot of fun and education in one place.
Shipping was very fast and professionally secured. Camera packed into very nice, stylish black box and has additional carry-on grey, zipped case in which all accessories have its own place and are secured firmly.
I got a feeling that this was the best way I could spent money and have some fun.

al bruere
IR camera test

test IR camera with success
