ギャラリービューアに画像をロードする, Infiray Xinfrared One XH09 オールインワン赤外線カメラ&単眼鏡

Infiray Xinfrared One XH09 オールインワン赤外線カメラ&単眼鏡

定価 $369.00 USD
販売価格 $369.00 USD 定価 $369.00 USD
販売 売り切れ

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多様性の力を持つInfiray XH09サーマルイメージング - 様々なニーズに応えるオールインワンソリューション。あなたの冒険を、認識を革新するスマートデバイスで高めましょう!





Experience clarity like never before with HD & Highlight modes, revealing sharp thermal images that cut through challenging environments. Built to withstand nature's wrath, the IP65-rated, all-metal body ensures resilience against rainstorms and ocean splashes, keeping raccoons and waterfowl in focus.

シームレスなタブレット接続で柔軟性を保ち、スマートフォンブラケットマウント、レンズキャップ、ハードケース、サーマルモノキュラーなどを含むフルキットをお楽しみください。Infiray XH09でアウトドア体験を向上させましょう—すべてが一度の購入で手に入ります。


仕様 詳細
製品モデル: インフレイ XH09
IR解像度: 256×192 @12μm
AI-Temp: AI温度測定、精度±3°C
バッテリー寿命: 300〜480分(例:Samsung Galaxy S23+ 4700mAhバッテリー寿命 367分)
Frame Rate: 50Hz
焦点距離: 9mm 調整可能な焦点、9mm のレンズ ≈ 17μm での 13mm のレンズ
観察距離: 1.8m×2mの鹿は551ヤード(504メートル)で
NETD: 40mK(@77°F,F#1.0)
倍率: 2×~15× 継続的デジタルズーム
デュアルイメージモード: 高解像度モード/ヒートハイライトモード、タップして切り替え
画像強化: デジタルディテール強化 (DDE)
X3: 特許取得済み画像アルゴリズム
ホットスポットトラッキング: 戦術的熱追跡
専用アウトドアパレット: ナイトビジョン グリーン/バード/ホワイトホット/ブラックホット/レッドヘッド/アイアンレッド
測定修正: 温度補正/距離補正
Reticle: 7つの形 + 5つの色のクイックスイッチ
アプリケーションシナリオ: スマートフォン / パッド / 人間工学ハンドル / 三脚 / 延長ケーブル / 車
タクティカルアシスト: Eコンパス/ 速度/ 位置/ 天気/ 時間
FOV: 19.63°×14.71°
重量(レンズ込み): 18.5g
温度測定範囲: 32°F~212°F(0°C~100°C)
動作温度: -20°F~60°F(-20°C~+60°C)
寸法(レンズ付き): 23mm×23mm×23.8mm
ビデオストレージ: 写真とビデオの保存機能
App Name: サーマルアイ X
Android9以上またはiOS11以上: Android 9.0以上のシステム

Versatile and Powerful

Transform your smartphone into a high-powered thermal imaging device in seconds with the Infiray XH09. Equipped with a 9mm lens, this camera is perfect for a range of outdoor activities like hunting, camping, and wildlife observation. It's also ideal for practical tasks such as inspecting electrical cabinets, air conditioners, and home insulation.

50 Hz High Frame Rate for Clear Imaging

50 Hz High Frame Rate for Clear Imaging

Multifunctional Thermal Imaging

Multifunctional Thermal Imaging
2-15X zoom, Exceptional Long-Range Vision

2-15X zoom, Exceptional Long-Range Vision

0.04℃ Ultra-High Sensitivity

0.04℃ Ultra-High Sensitivity
Built for the Outdoors

Built for the Outdoors

Advanced Hunting Features

Advanced Hunting Features
Enhanced Viewing Modes

Enhanced Viewing Modes

IP 65 Rating

IP 65 Rating
Easy Connectivity and Comfort

Easy Connectivity and Comfort

Complete Kit Included

Complete Kit Included

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Dave McMahon
Good thermal while it lasted, terrible service.

I bought an XH09 and had a few good weeks with it - thought it was very impressive for the price.

I was using it in January and when I pulled it out of my phone, the lightning plug remained in my phone's socket (IE broke off).

So now my unit is useless and I can't see a path forward to get a new unit shipped out or even a part for repair.

Buyers beware, you get what you pay for.

XH09 All in One

Hi, I finally have this beautiful thermal imager that does everything described, or maybe even more. It looks really good even at long distances. It really makes you see the world with different eyes. It arrived super packaged and on time, despite the Christmas period. Greetings from Florence Tuscany Italy

Stephen bowen
1st time user

Have to say this little guy does a great job for what it is the refresh rate makes a difference from what I've seen not good for close up jobs but for outdoors where it's ment for it works great was able to spot 3 dove sized birds roosted in a tree behind the house at 100y away!

Sam Torre
Excellent product

Great service and excellent product

Brian Sizemore

The xh09 has exceeded my expectations I own 2 other outdoor thermal devices that were more costly than the xh09 let me first say the resolution is great . It does everything they say its supposed to do. I like the super compact size and the ease of use . I have used it with two different Android devices both flawlessly. The grip is a great accessory very well built . Comes with everything you need .


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