Load image into Gallery viewer, InfiRay Xview V2 Portable Infrared Thermographic Thermal Camera Imager

Ručná termokamera InfiRay Xview V2

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【Zobrazovanie s vysokým rozlíšením】: Termokamera InfiRay Xview V2 S infračerveným rozlíšením 256 × 192 s rozlíšením 49 152 pixelov poskytuje obraz s vyšším rozlíšením a 25 Hz snímková frekvencia zaručuje plynulý obrazový výstup; Rôzne farebné palety ponúkajú prispôsobené možnosti zobrazenia pre rôzne aplikačné scény; Automatická a manuálna korekcia obrazu; podpora snímania a nahrávania termálneho obrazu.

【Presné meranie teploty】: Termokamera Xview môže ponúkať meranie teploty v rovine bodu a línie; NETD≤60mK s presnosťou merania ±3 ℃; široký rozsah merania -20 až 400 °C (-4 až 752 °F); sledovanie bodov s vysokou/nízkou teplotou je podporované v troch bodoch (vysoký/nízky/stredný) merania teploty.

【S prenosom WIFI】: Zdieľanie obrazovky v reálnom čase (aplikácia s názvom "Infirayoutdoor"), pripojenie k mobilným zariadeniam prostredníctvom zabudovaného pripojenia Wi-Fi a aplikácie InfiRayoutdoor na živý prenos do telefónov so systémom Android alebo iOS; navyše batériový systém s dlhou výdržou, nabíjateľná batéria s 5 hodinami prevádzky a rýchlym dobitím na 90 % za menej ako 90 minút.

【Odolný dizajn】: Vďaka 3-palcovému LCD displeju si môžete prezerať termálne snímky a namerané hodnoty teploty s jasnosťou a detailmi, 8G interná pamäť flash, uľahčuje ukladanie a prezeranie snímok a nameraných hodnôt teploty; má stupeň krytia IP56 na ochranu proti vode a prachu; rozhranie USB typu C.

【Široký rozsah použitia】: InfiRay Xview V2 je prenosná infračervená termokamera, ktorá je schopná pozorovať infračervené žiarenie a merať teplotu. Vďaka kompaktným rozmerom, nízkej spotrebe energie a priemyselnej ochrane sa ľahko prenáša a môže sa používať pri záchranných prácach v teréne, vonkajšom pozorovaní, priemyselnom meraní teploty, hasičských záchranných prácach, nočnom hliadkovaní, elektroinštalačnom a vodovodnom servise a údržbe vzduchotechniky na výstup jasných snímok.

Model InfiRay Xview V2 Thermographic Camera
App name Infirayoutdoor
Resolution 256X192
Thermal Sensitivity/NETD <60mk
Frame Rate 25fps
FOV 42.0°X32.1°
Focal Length 4.0mm
Focusing Fixed
Image Correction Automatic and Manual
Palette 8 palettes (black-hot/white-hot/iron-red, etc.)
Measurement Range ~20℃ to + 120℃(expandible to -20℃~+400℃)
Measurement Accuracy ±3℃ or±3% of the measurement range( the latter is used under wide dynamic measurement mode)
Point temperaure Measurement Highest temperature point/Lowest temperature point /Cenral temperature point
Temp Correction ±3℃
Emissivity 0.1~1.0
Distance Pre-configured,manually adjustable
Ambient Temp Pre-configured,manually adjustable
UVC Supported
WIFI Supported
Image Stream Format UVC:YUYV WIFI: RTSP
Storage Medium Internal memory(Flash),and internal TF card(Optional, with a max.capacity of 64GB)
Format JPEG、MP4
External interface Type-C Supported
IP Grade IP54
Operating Temp -10℃ to+50℃
Storage Temp -30℃ to +70℃
Humidity ≤95% Non-condensing
Size 123*61*35mm
Weight <200g
Review Video

Portable, High Definition Image Output

The InfiRay Xview V2 handheld Pocket-size thermal camera is a portable infrared thermal imager that is capable of infrared observation and temperature measurement. Featuring compact size, low power consumption, and industrial-grade protection, it is easy to carry and can be used in field rescue, outdoor observation, industrial temperature measurement, fire rescue, night patrolling, electrical and plumbing service, and HVAC maintenance to output clear images.

InfiRay thermal camera high image quality

High-definition image quality

Measuring range -20 to 400°C (-4 to 752°F)

P2 Pro Thermal Camera with High Measuring Range Accuracy
thermal camera can quick diagnosis of problems

Quick diagnosis of problems

Powerful operational performance

InfiRay Xview V2 powerful operational performance
InfiRay thermal camera canee easily see large targets

View large targets easily

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Good Customer Service, but the Device is quite Primitive

I recently ordered the InfiRay Xview V2 Handheld Thermal Imaging Camera and was pleased with the prompt delivery from the vendor. The customer service team was extremely helpful whenever I contacted them for status updates. Although the item was initially out of stock, they promptly informed me that it would be shipped from another warehouse, and it arrived on time.

The device is good overall, and its operation is straightforward, with buttons conveniently located on the side. However, the screen is not a touch screen and has limited features. There is no option to zoom in or out, which is a significant limitation if you need to use this device for scanning devices or components on PCB boards. The lens lacks dynamic zoom and has no auto focus. Given these shortcomings, I believe I could have found a better device elsewhere for the same price.

Additionally, the website specification provides a link to the InfiRayOutdoor app. I downloaded and tried the app, but unfortunately, it appears to be designed for outdoor scopes and does not support this particular device as mentioned on the website. While the app can connect and view the camera feed, it offers no additional functionality.


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